Papers using the FirstLight database

UV Luminosity Function and Scaling Relation of Primeval Galaxies. Ceverino D., Glover S., Klessen R., MNRAS, 470, 2791 (2017)

We introduce the FirstLight project that aims to generate a large database of high-resolution, zoom-in simulations of galaxy formation around the epoch of reioni- sation (z > 5). The first results of this program agree well with recent observational constraints at z = 6-8, including the UV luminosity function and galaxy stellar mass function, as well as the scaling relationships between halo mass, stellar mass, and UV magnitude. The UV luminosity function starts to flatten below M_UV = -14 due to stellar feedback in halos with maximum circular velocities of V = 30 =40 km/s. The power-law slope of the luminosity function evolves rapidly with redshift, reaching a value of alpha= 2.5 at z=10. On the other hand, the galaxy stellar mass function evolves slowly with time between z = 8-10, in particular at the low-mass end.


UV luminosity function at z=6. The FirstLight tests are consistent with observations (Bouwens et al. 2016a). They predict a progressive flattening of the luminosity function at low luminosities (M_UV > -14) driven by stellar feedback.


"FirstLight II: Star formation rates of primeval galaxies from z=5-15". Ceverino D., Klessen R., Glover S. MNRAS, 480, 4842 (2018)

"FirstLight III: Rest-frame UV-optical spectral energy distributions of simulated galaxies at cosmic dawn". Ceverino D, Klessen R., Glover S. MNRAS, 484, 1366 (2019)

"Weak Evolution of the Mass-metallicity Relation at Cosmic Daw\ n in the FirstLight Simulations". Langan I., Ceverino D., Finlator K. MNRAS, 494, 1988 (2020)

"FirstLight IV: diversity in sub-L* galaxies at cosmic dawn". Ceverino D., Hirschmann M., Klessen R., Glover S., Charlot S., Feltre A., MNRAS, 504, 4472 (2021)

"Dust attenuation in galaxies at cosmic dawn from the FirstLight simulations". Mushtaq M., Ceverino D., Klessen R.S., Reissl S., Puttasiddappa P.H., MNRAS, 525, 4976 (2023)

"Simulations of High-redshift [O III] Emitters: Chemical Evolution and Multiline Diagnostics". Nakazato, Y., Yoshida, N., and Ceverino, D. ApJ, 953, 140 (2023)

"A Merger-driven Scenario for Clumpy Galaxy Formation in the Epoch of Reionization: Physical Properties of Clumps in the FirstLight Simulation". Nakazato, Y., Ceverino, D., and Yoshida, N, ApJ, 975, 238 (2024)

"Redshift-dependent galaxy formation efficiency at z = 5-13 in the FirstLight Simulations". Ceverino D., Nakazato Y., Yoshida N., Klessen R., Glover S., A&A, 689, 244 (2024)